So that’s a wrap from a brilliant scouting weekend. It was fantastic to see 47 members of 1st Rhu having an amazing time. The greatest pleasure we have as leaders is seeing young people stretch outside their comfort zone and try a new challenge!
Thank you to the team at Scout Adventures Lochgoilhead for putting on another great adventure, filled with lots of new skills and activities to try, you never cease to amaze us. Also to the chefs who kept everyone superbly well fed during the weekend.
A big thank you to the team of Rhu leaders! We had great fun spending time with everyone, having a laugh and working hard. Without the efforts of these leaders we wouldn’t be able to pull off such amazing camps! Please remember the leaders have as much fun as the Young People and took part in all the activities. If you want to join us we have many roles and can find one to suit you.
Here’s looking forward to the future and lots more Scouting Adventures.